Xenia Sheehan is a retired editor with a BA in philosophy (1963), an MA in counseling (1987), and graduate study in English (UW) and a full range of Orthodox subjects at St. Vladimir’s and St. Tikhon’s Seminaries.
2 电子书 Xenia Sheehan
Donald Sheehan: The Psalms of David
‘In this rendering, the Psalms become once again what they were for Christian believers from the very beginning: the hymnal of the Church. They remain, certainly, the songs of Israel: from its cries …
Donald Sheehan: In the House of My Pilgrimage
Don Sheehan’s early life, plagued by his father’s alcoholic violence, was at the same time blessed by the good stories this intelligent man read aloud to his children. In his teens, unhappy in school …