Professor Xiaozhou Xu is an outstanding scholar in the field of comparative education and entrepreneurship education. He is Dean of the Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences at Zhejiang University, and Yangtze River Scholar Chair Professor of Ministry of Education of China. He is currently the holder of UNESCO Chair in Entrepreneurship Education and President of UNESCO Entrepreneurship Education Network National Chapter of China. He undertook international and national research projects from UNESCO, the World Bank, and the National Social Science Fund of China. He edited a range of influential series which cover Entrepreneurship Education Research, Changes in Higher Education Policy, 60 Years of Education in China and Research on Strategy and Decision of Education Development. He has published over a hundred essays in academic journals, and over ten monographs including
Building the Entrepreneurship Education System in University,
Strategies of College Students’ Entrepreneurial Skill Development, etc. Over ten research outcomes were rewarded by Ministry of Education of China and Zhejiang Province Government.
Dr. Weihui Mei is an Associate Professor of Comparative Education at the College of Education, Zhejiang University. Her research interests include comparative higher education, educational policy, entrepreneurship education, relationship between university and region development, etc. She has published two manuscripts on entrepreneurship education in higher educational institutions in the USA, and on strategy on Italian education. She has also published dozens of research articles in Chinese, English and Italian journals.
4 电子书 Xiaozhou Xu
Xiaozhou Xu & Weihui Mei: Educational Policies and Legislation in China
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the development of educational policies and legislation in China, particularly following the introduction of Reform and Opening Up in 1978. The scope o …
Xiaozhou Xu: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Education in China
This book explains the strategic appeal of innovation and entrepreneurship education based on the systematic analysis of the key characteristics and constraints of China’s economic transformation and …
Xiaozhou Xu: Introduction to Entrepreneurship
This textbook helps readers increase their entrepreneurial knowledge, improve their competences, and expand their entrepreneurial thinking.The book consists of nine chapters: Expand Entrepreneurial V …
Xiaozhou Xu: Comparative Entrepreneurship Education
This book systematically compares the innovation and entrepreneurship education (IEE) in the United States, the United Kingdom, Finland, Germany, Croatia, Canada, South Korea, and China. The boo …