作者: Y. Hakan Erdem

Israel Gershoni and Amy Singer teach modern Middle East history and Ottoman history, respectively, in the Department of Middle Eastern and African History, Tel Aviv University. Y. Hakan Erdem teaches history in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Sabanci University, Istanbul. Other contributors include Walter Armbrust (St. Antony”s College, Oxford) , Marilyn Booth (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Julia Clancy-Smith (University of Arizona, Tucson), Juan R. I. Cole (University of Michigan), Fatma Muge Gocek (University of Michigan), Ellis Goldberg (University of Washington), R. Stephen Humphreys (University of California, Santa Barbara), Eve M. Troutt Powell (University of Pennsylvania), and Charles D. Smith (University of Arizona).

1 电子书 Y. Hakan Erdem

Israel Gershoni & Amy Singer: Middle East Historiographies
This collection of ten essays focuses on the way major schools and individuals have narrated histories of the Middle East. The distinguished contributors explore the historiography of economic and in …