V. Ratna Reddy: An economist by training with experience in the fields of environmental economics and natural resource management, climate change, livelihoods and institutions. He is an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at South Asian Institute, Germany. Visiting fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, Sussex and the University of Leeds, UK. Served as consultant to organisations like: The World Bank; ADB; UNDP; DFID; EC; WWF, IWMI, ICRISAT, UNU, etc. Served as a working group member in the preparation of 11th and 12th Plans for the Government of India. He has published 12 books and more than 150 research papers in international and national peer reviewed journals.
Y. V. Malla Reddy: Director, Accion-Fraterna Ecology Center. He is a development practitioner by profession with more than 40 years of experience in the field of participatory development and implementation of socioeconomic development projects in one of the harsh environments of India. He has a Ph. D in rural development and worked with number of reputed International and National organizations in development research. Collaborated with number of reputed organisations (DFID, GIZ, Brot fur die Welt, IFDA, KFW, Mo RD, Go I, NABARD, ICRISAT, WALMART, UNFCCC, Etc.). He has been serving as member of various high-powered committees on agriculture and rural development at the national and state level. Received number of awards and honors for his contributions in development practice. He has published twos and several research publications in international and national journals.
M. Srinivasa Reddy: Faculty Member at the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS), Hyderabad. He has been associated with several research projects sponsored by both national and international agencies at CESS. His major research interest includes: natural resource management, groundwater management/governance, water use efficiency, agriculture, rural development, participatory resource management with specific focus on social exclusion, education, employment and poverty of marginalized communities. He has published two books and number of articles in international and Indian journals. His research interests include: Participatory Natural Resource Management Agriculture, Rural Development, Agricultural Marketing, Regional Disparities, Social Inclusion, Rural Labour, Education, etc.
1 电子书 Y. V. Malla Reddy
V. Ratna Reddy & Y. V. Malla Reddy: Climate-Drought Resilience in Extreme Environments
This book assesses the effectiveness of changes in watershed interventions in one of the most fragile resource regions of India. Specifically the chapters examine various watershed centred inte …