Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta is Full Professor of Education with a Multidisciplinary Focus at Jönköping University, Sweden. She is the Director of the research environment LPS, Learning Practices inside and outside Schools and leads the ongoing Swedish Research Council project PAL, Participation for all?
Giulia Messina Dahlberg is Senior Lecturer in Education at the Department of Education and Special Education, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. She is the co-leader of the network-based research environment CCD, Communication, Culture and Diversity.
Ylva Lindberg is Associate Professor in Comparative Literature at Jönköping University, Sweden. She is Dean of Research at the School of Education and Communication and the senior-leader of the network-based research environment CCD, Communication, Culture and Diversity.
2 电子书 Ylva Lindberg
Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta & Giulia Messina Dahlberg: Virtual Sites as Learning Spaces
This volume fills a gap in the literature between the domains of Communication Studies and Educational Sciences across physical-virtual spaces as they intersect in the 21st century. The chapters focu …
Anders Buch & Ylva Lindberg: Framing Futures in Postdigital Education
This book unpacks key concepts and methods relevant for a critical and reflective framing of futures in postdigital education. The compiled chapters explore concepts and methods that have pertinence …