Set in a garden far, far away, The Dancing Garden tells the story of Xiaohui, a butterfly on a journey of self-discovery. Believing she is not as attractive as the other insects in the garden, Xiaohui is initially envious of her charming friend, Mimi the bee, who also seems to be good at many things. However, with help and encouragement from Mimi, Xiaohui eventually comes to realise that everyone is unique in their own way, and discovers where her own strength lies!
《跳舞花园》这故事发生在一个遥远的花园里, 讲述蝴蝶小灰如何得到好朋友蜜蜂蜜蜜的帮助找到自我的价值。 她最初相信自己并不如花园里其他的昆虫那么有吸引力, 并且非常羡慕蜜蜜, 认为他有的长处很多, 自己一点也比不上他。 不过, 蜜蜜却鼓励小灰认识她自己的长处。 最后, 小灰终于意识到, 每只昆虫都是独特的, 并且发现了自己特有的长处!
Jimmy Wu originates from Wuhan, China and lives in Shanghai. He has rich experience in writing, editing and translating. He is currently working in a first aid training company in China. His work includes writing and editing online promotional articles for the company, and proofreading the company’s bilingual first aid training manual. He also works as a translator and editor for Global Voices. responsible for translating part of the English articles into Chinese and editing the Chinese publication content.
原籍中国武汉, 现居于上海, 有丰富的撰写、编辑和翻译经验, 现时任职于在中国的一家急救培训公司, 其中职责包括为公司撰写和编辑在线及推广文章、校对中英文急救培训手册及其他刋物。 另外, 他也为 ‘全球之声’翻译和编辑文章, 负责将部分英文文稿翻译成中文并编辑发布。