作者: Yujie Wang

Ho-Kei Chan, an Associate Professor of Physics at the Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), is an expert in packing problems of confined systems. He has recently published (with coauthor Jens Winkelmann) the monograph ‘Columnar Structures of Spheres: Fundamentals and Applications’. Stefan Hutzler, an Associate Professor of Physics and a Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, is an expert in foam physics and packing problems, known also for his publication (with coauthor Denis Weaire) of the 1999 monograph ‘The Physics of Foams’. Adil Mughal, a Lecturer of Mathematics at Aberystwyth University, is a theoretical physicist and an expert in packing problems and the effects of geometry and topology in soft matter and biology. Corey O”Hern, a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Physics, and Applied Physics at Yale University and an APS Fellow, is an expert in the statistical mechanics of non-equilibrium systems and also glass- and jamming-transitions of soft-matter systems. Yujie Wang, a Professor of Physics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is an expert in the non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of granular materials and in their dynamics and amorphous packings. He is renowned for his experimental investigations of granular systems via x-ray tomography. Denis Weaire FRS, an Emeritus Professor of Physics at Trinity College Dublin, is a leader in foam physics and is renowned for his discovery (with Robert Phelan) of a division of space into cells with a surface area less than that proposed by Lord Kelvin.

8 电子书 Yujie Wang

Xin Lai & Kailong Liu: Data Science-Based Full-Lifespan Management of Lithium-Ion Battery
This open access book comprehensively consolidates studies in the rapidly emerging field of battery management. The primary focus is to overview the new and emerging data science technologies for ful …
Carlos Fernandez & Josep M Guerrero: Multidimensional Lithium-Ion Battery Status Monitoring
Multidimensional Lithium-Ion Battery Status Monitoring focuses on equivalent circuit modeling, parameter identification, and state estimation in lithium-ion battery power applications. It explores th …
Carlos Fernandez & Josep M Guerrero: Multidimensional Lithium-Ion Battery Status Monitoring
Multidimensional Lithium-Ion Battery Status Monitoring focuses on equivalent circuit modeling, parameter identification, and state estimation in lithium-ion battery power applications. It explores th …
Carlos Fernandez & Josep M. Guerrero: State Estimation Strategies in Lithium-ion Battery Management Systems
State Estimation Strategies in Lithium-ion Battery Management Systems presents key technologies and methodologies in modeling and monitoring charge, energy, power and health of lithium-ion batteries. …
Carlos Fernandez & Josep M. Guerrero: Neural Network-Based State-of-Charge and State-of-Health Estimation
To deal with environmental deterioration and energy crises, developing clean and sustainable energy resources has become the strategic goal of the majority of countries in the global community. Lithi …
Dan Deng & Carlos Fernandez: Intelligent Lithium-Ion Battery State of Charge (SOC) Estimation Methods
To improve the accuracy and stability of power battery state of charge (SOC) estimation, this book proposes a SOC estimation method for power lithium batteries based on the fusion of deep learning an …
Carlos Fernandez & Josep M. Guerrero: Fuzzy Filter-Based State of Energy Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries
Awareness of the safety issues of lithium-ion batteries is crucial in the development of new energy technologies, and real-time and high-precision State of Energy (SOE) estimation is not only a prere …
Ho-Kei Chan & Stefan Hutzler: Packing Problems in Soft Matter Physics
Packing problems, which are concerned with optimal arrangements of objects in space, are cross-disciplinary in nature and are encountered in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and …