Liu Jun holds a doctor degree from Department of Engineering Mechanics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China. He is now an associate professor at School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering & Architecture, NWPU.
Zhufeng Yue is a professor at School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering & Architecture, NWPU. He was a Humboldt Scholar at Ruhr University Bochum in 1999 and Cheung Kung Scholar at NWPU in 2001.
Xiaoliang Geng is an associate professor at School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering & Architecture, NWPU.
Shifeng Wen is an associate professor at School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering & Architecture, NWPU.
Wuzhu Yan is a lecturer at School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering & Architecture, NWPU.
2 电子书 Zhufeng Yue
Jun Liu & Zhufeng Yue: Long-Life Design and Test Technology of Typical Aircraft Structures
This book addresses anti-fatigue manufacturing, analysis and test verification technologies for typical aircraft structures, including fastening holes, shot peening plates, different types of joints …
Ming Li & Wei Sun: High Temperature Miniature Specimen Test Methods
High Temperature Miniature Specimen Test Methods, for the first time in book format, focuses on a comprehensive and thorough introduction to a range of high temperature, miniaturized test methods at …