Author: Zhen Li

Ashutosh Kumar Shukla obtained his B.Sc., M.Sc. and D. Phil. degrees from the University of Allahabad. His doctoral research work involved using electron spin resonance spectroscopy and optical absorption spectroscopy to investigate transition ion-doped single crystals. He has been a university teacher and researcher for 20 years and is currently an Associate Professor of Physics at Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, a University of Allahabad institution. He also served as an Associate Professor (Pure and Applied Physics) at Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur, C.G. (A Central University). He has published numerous research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has edited various books, mostly on applications of EPR spectroscopy. He has delivered several invited lectures on characterization techniques at national and international conferences and workshops. He reviews manuscripts for a number of international journals. He has received numerous scholarships and fellowships, including National Scholarship, Scholarship of Ministry of Higher Education, Government of U. P., Research Fellowship of the Council of Science & Tech., Lucknow, U.P., Research Fellowship of the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi and the Indian National Science Academy-Bilateral Exchange Fellowship.

10 Ebooks by Zhen Li

Roger Handberg & Zhen Li: Chinese Space Policy
This volume explains the beginnings and expansion of China’s space program, analyzing how China is now able to hold such ambitions and how the interaction between technology, politics and economics h …
Roger (University of Central Florida, USA) Handberg & Zhen (Legacy Clinical Research: Chinese Space Policy
This volume explains the beginnings and expansion of China”s space program, analyzing how China is now able to hold such ambitions and how the interaction between technology, politics and economics …
Roger (University of Central Florida, USA) Handberg & Zhen (Legacy Clinical Research: Chinese Space Policy
This volume explains the beginnings and expansion of China”s space program, analyzing how China is now able to hold such ambitions and how the interaction between technology, politics and economics …
Ashutosh Kumar Shukla: Spectroscopic Tools for Food Analysis
Food quality analysis is an area of interest that has always attracted the attention of everyone, and making suitable tools for food analysis is especially important. This volume presents such techni …
Zhen Li & Sen Li: Event-Trigger Dynamic State Estimation for Practical WAMS Applications in Smart Grid
This book describes how dynamic state estimation application in wide-area measurement systems (WAMS) are crucial for power system reliability, to acquire precisely power system dynamics.    …
Zhen Li: Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era
Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era enriches the current research on heritage language (HL) learner identity by examining how identity is constructed, negotiated, and perfo …
Zhen Li: Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era
Identity of Chinese Heritage Language Learners in a Global Era enriches the current research on heritage language (HL) learner identity by examining how identity is constructed, negotiated, and perfo …
Yanqiu Huang & Zhen Li: Electrochemical Transformation of Renewable Compounds
Electrochemical conversion process can be used to generate power, store energy and synthesize chemicals, which plays a key role in the development of sustainable energy resources. Electrochemical Tra …
Yanqiu Huang & Zhen Li: Electrochemical Transformation of Renewable Compounds
Electrochemical conversion process can be used to generate power, store energy and synthesize chemicals, which plays a key role in the development of sustainable energy resources. Electrochemical Tra …
Baijun Wu & Maogang Tang: Effective Supply Mechanism of Urban Public Goods
This book meticulously elaborates on the theory of public goods supply, delving into government supply, market (private) supply, voluntary supply, and multi-stakeholder cooperative supply mechanisms. …