The book is designed to be a lighthearted insight into ways of experimenting with sex and pleasuring your partner, whilst at the same time reducing the risk of pregnancy and STDs. Its not a manual, but a guide for those that may want to experiment with sex to show that intercourse isnt the most important factor. There are other ways of enjoying each others body whilst minimizing the risk of unwanted pregnancy and STDs. Its aimed at teenagers from early teens upwards.
Many parents find it difficult to talk to their kids about sex. It may be they think there is an age when this should be done and just never get around to it. It may be the child passes that age in maturity before they reach it in yearsin which case by the time the parent gets around to the talk, the child is actually too old and the parent just doesnt bother. Often the child will insist, I already know all that, so the parent doesnt bother.
They may think they know. It may be they know what their friends have mentioned or discussed together. Either way, unless you know what they know, you cant be sure that they do. This book may help parents if they find themselves in any of these situations.
About the author
Married with 2 kids, have large extended family. Have worked with kids of different ages and from different backgrounds, I feel adults are often hypocrites when it comes to advising kids – do what I say not what I did but no alternatives. We learn by experimenting and unfortunately sometimes the experiments go badly wrong. I’d like to try to help reduce the amount of experiments that ‘go wrong’.