Kirjan piätavote on antoo pienelle virmanpyörittäjälle puolensattoo ajatuksetynkee nostoo oma kilipaelukyky entistä ehommaks. Mittää hurjoo vaahtia ei tarvihe männä rutalehtia, iha pikkusin askelin tuarustettaan unohtamata iha sitä olleellisinta asijan sisältöö.
Yheks kantavaks voemaks on kirjassa noossu ‘jatkuvan oppimisen’ per’uate. Olj sitte kyse mistä tahhaasa aeheesta, opintankkoominen ei sua jiähä iha kertaluontoseks. Olleellista ei oukkaan vuan opuksen pänttööminen, vuan näejen uatosten vieminen elinikäseks opiks. Silleen ossoo tehostoo toemintojjaan vuos toesen perrään kaekilla liiketoeminnan alueilla.
About the author
Antti Leijala has over 20 years of broad international business management experience (product and solution management, business operations, change management, pricing, strategy, bid management, quality management, etc.).
Additionally, he has 12 years of experience as an entrepreneur in the fields of importing nanotechnology, hand-made leather crafts, and business consulting.
He is specialized and passionate in Lean Six Sigma usage in Sales environment, both in large global corporates as well as in 1-9 employee local micro-companies. Additionally, he’s the only Lean Six Sigma Sales black belt in Finland and among very few globally. Using this knowledge, he is working on his doctoral thesis to deeper understand the common problems of small businesses and how to solve them.