Being HIV positive today is completely different from how it was thirty years ago. With a foreword from Scottish Makar Jackie Kay, this anthology collects work from those affected by HIV so they can tell us what it really means to have HIV in Scotland today.
Many of the stories, poems and artworks here emerged from the Positive Stories workshop series and artistic-mentorship scheme organised by HIV Scotland, empowering people to use their own voices to reshape the narrative around HIV and take part in creative activism.
قائمة المحتويات
v Foreword by Jackie Kay
vii Editor’s Note
ix Preface from the Chair of HIV Scotland
1 Jörmungandr by NJ Millar
7 The Silent Alarm by Mark Carlisle
11 Emergence See by Mark Carlisle
13 A Long Time by James Mc Abraham
17 Welcome to the Theatre of Awkward by Nathan Sparling
21 Message to My Younger Self by Rio
25 Will You be Able to Tell Us About Your Story? by Fraser Serle
29 Our First Breath is IN by James Stewart
33 Texan Condoms by Kevin Crowe
43 What is a Man if Not an Anchor? by Nobody
45 Untitled by Matthew Lynch
47 Víreas by J. William James
53 afterwards by RJ Arkhipov
55 It Couldn’t be Me by Michael Nugent
61 Uncertain, Learning, Unknown by Oliver
69 Play it Again, SAM by Stephen Duffy
79 Ashes of a Visible Girl by Angie Spoto
83 Invisibility in Four Acts or Much Ado about Nothing by Will Dalgleish
89 Contributors