This book investigates the impact of social phenomena such as recently created nation states, emerging international confederations, cross-national migration, and contemporary global forces on ethnic and national identities in Europe and beyond. The articles in this volume are written by leading international scholars, based on a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches, and offer a multifaceted discussion of the challenging issue of collective identities.
قائمة المحتويات
I Determinants and Effects of National Identity19
Postmodern Ethnicity: Diversity and Difference
Albert F. Reiterer21
National Pride, Patriotism and Nationalism:
Methodological Reflections and Empirical Analyses
Franz Höllinger, Jürgen Fleiß and Helmut Kuzmics45
National Identity and Attitudes towards Immigrants
in a Comparative Perspective
Jorge Vala and Rui Costa-Lopes71
Religion and National Identity in an Enlarging Europe
Miroslav Tížik101
A Success Story of Creating National Identity in Tanzania:
The Vision of Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Bernadette Müller125
Collective Representations of Atrocities and
National Identity: The Case of Darfur
Joachim J. Savelsberg and Hollie Nyseth149
II From National to Transnational Identity177
The Contingency of Europe’s Boundaries
Josef Langer179
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Memory Trace
in the Central European Countries
Magdalena Piscová and Miloslav Bahna201
Political Unification and the Purported European Society:
On the Social Basis of European Integration
Stefan Immerfall221
All or Nothing: Identity Bonding to Europe, the Nation,
or Neither in a Changing Geopolitical Environment
Markus Hadler, Lynn Chin and Kiyoteru Tsutsui237
National and Transnational Identities
of Intra-European Migrants
Michael Braun and Walter Müller263
‘Interethnic Alliances’ and National We-Images:
An Analysis of Internet Fora Related to Sport and Migration
Dieter Reicher289
Institutional Theories of Education
in Supra-National Society
John W. Meyer and Francisco O. Ramirez311
List of Scientific Publications of Max Haller331
About the Authors351
عن المؤلف
Franz Höllinger is Professor at the Department of Sociology at Karl-Franzens-University in Graz, Austria.
Markus Hadler is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, USA.