This book investigates the impact of social phenomena such as recently created nation states, emerging international confederations, cross-national migration, and contemporary global forces on ethnic and national identities in Europe and beyond. The articles in this volume are written by leading international scholars, based on a variety of theoretical and empirical approaches, and offer a multifaceted discussion of the challenging issue of collective identities.
Table des matières
I Determinants and Effects of National Identity19
Postmodern Ethnicity: Diversity and Difference
Albert F. Reiterer21
National Pride, Patriotism and Nationalism:
Methodological Reflections and Empirical Analyses
Franz Höllinger, Jürgen Fleiß and Helmut Kuzmics45
National Identity and Attitudes towards Immigrants
in a Comparative Perspective
Jorge Vala and Rui Costa-Lopes71
Religion and National Identity in an Enlarging Europe
Miroslav Tížik101
A Success Story of Creating National Identity in Tanzania:
The Vision of Julius Kambarage Nyerere
Bernadette Müller125
Collective Representations of Atrocities and
National Identity: The Case of Darfur
Joachim J. Savelsberg and Hollie Nyseth149
II From National to Transnational Identity177
The Contingency of Europe’s Boundaries
Josef Langer179
Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Memory Trace
in the Central European Countries
Magdalena Piscová and Miloslav Bahna201
Political Unification and the Purported European Society:
On the Social Basis of European Integration
Stefan Immerfall221
All or Nothing: Identity Bonding to Europe, the Nation,
or Neither in a Changing Geopolitical Environment
Markus Hadler, Lynn Chin and Kiyoteru Tsutsui237
National and Transnational Identities
of Intra-European Migrants
Michael Braun and Walter Müller263
‘Interethnic Alliances’ and National We-Images:
An Analysis of Internet Fora Related to Sport and Migration
Dieter Reicher289
Institutional Theories of Education
in Supra-National Society
John W. Meyer and Francisco O. Ramirez311
List of Scientific Publications of Max Haller331
About the Authors351
A propos de l’auteur
Franz Höllinger is Professor at the Department of Sociology at Karl-Franzens-University in Graz, Austria.
Markus Hadler is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Marshall University in Huntington, West Virginia, USA.