This book catalogues Dr. Kwok Kin Poon’s various calligraphic works in his mid and later years. Over 300 works are detailed in this compilation which is divided into six sections: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Poetry and Verse, and Models of Masterpieces. Dr. Poon’s calligraphic works are scribed not only for artistical purposes but also for the preservation of traditional Chinese culture while injecting philosophical elements found in Christianity. Thus, judging from its content and presentation, how can this book be just about appreciating the beauty of Chinese calligraphy?
KWOK KIN POON (潘國鍵, 1949- ) was born in Guangzhou and raised in Hong Kong , and now resides in Toronto. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (BA, MPh, Dip Ed), the University of Hong Kong (MA, Ph D), and OISE University of Toronto (MEd). He studied Chinese history under Professor YAN Gengwang (嚴耕望), Chinese calligraphy under his grandfather TSE Hay (謝熙) and Chinese painting under RONG Shushi (容漱石). Dr. Poon is a seasoned teacher, researcher, calligrapher, columnist, and has held exhibitions in Hong Kong and Canada. His publications include 北周疆域考, 北魏與蠕蠕關係研究, 國鍵文集, 潘國鍵書法集, 國鍵畫選, 孫過庭書譜白話對譯, 寫在信仰荊途上, 年在耳順, etc.. He also co-authored with KS Vincent POON A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting (英譯書譜) and English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces (英譯法書).
潘國鍵,1949年生於廣州,長於香港,廣東南海人。畢業中文大學新亞書院(榮譽文學士)、研究院(哲學碩士)、教育學院(教育文憑),香港大學中文系(文學碩士、哲學博士) 及加拿大多倫多大學安省教育學院(教育碩士)。治史師從嚴耕望教授,書法師承外祖父書法家謝熙先生,亦嘗師事名畫家容漱石先生。潘氏長期從事歷史研究、書法創作及文史教學工作, 並為港加兩地報章撰寫專欄。曾於港加舉行書法展覽會。今隱居多倫多市。著有《北周疆域考》、《北魏與蠕蠕關係研究》、《國鍵文集》、《潘國鍵書法集》、《國鍵畫選》、《孫過庭書譜白話對譯》、《寫在信仰荊途上》、《年在耳順》等等 ; 並與兒子潘君尚合譯 《A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting 英譯書譜》及《English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces 英譯法書》。
قائمة المحتويات
An Honorable Person Nerves Himself to Ceaseless Activity - The Book of Changes 22
The Yi is Still and Without Movement – The Book of Changes 23
Help is Given to Him from Heaven – The Book of Changes 24
Like the Age of the Southern Hills – The Book of Poetry 25
Having No Depraved Thoughts – The Analects 26
Fond of Antiquity and Earnest in Seeking Knowledge – The Analects 27
Speaks When It Is the Time to Speak – The Analects 28
The Benevolent Man Loves Others – The Analects 29
When We See Men of Worth, We Should Think of Equaling Them – The Analects 30
Writing, Ethics, Devotion of One’s Soul, and Truthfulness - The Analects 31
A Honorable Person Focuses on Cultivating the Fundamentals – The Analects 32
Pick Out the Good Qualities and Follow Them – The Analects 33
When Called to Office, Undertake Its Duties – The Analects 34
心經 (篆)
The Heart Sutra (Seal) 36
心經 (楷)
The Heart Sutra (Standard) 38
心經 (隸)
The Heart Sutra (Clerical) 40
The Diamond Sutra 42
A Mind at Perfect Rest - The Diamond Sutra 47
Absolute Quiescence of Mind, Perfect Observance of the Law, and True Spiritual Perception – The Diamond Sutra 48
To Subject One’s Every Inordinate Desire – The Diamond Sutra 49
There Is No Concrete Existence nor Non-Concrete Existence - The Diamond Sutra 50
Cannot Be Perceived nor Understood – The Diamond Sutra 51
To Accumulate and Cultivate Stocks of Various Foundational Merits - The Diamond Sutra 52
Immeasurable and Innumerable Stock of Merit – The Diamond Sutra 53
A Pure and Holy Mind – The Diamond Sutra 54
Observing the Monastic Vows and Assiduously Devoted to Good Works – The Diamond Sutra 55
Interminable Merit – The Diamond Sutra 56
Perfects Oneself in the Virtue of Endurance – The Diamond Sutra 57
Neither Coming from Anywhere nor Going to Anywhere – The Diamond Sutra 58
What Is Ordinarily Termed the Buddhic Law, Is Not Really a Law Attributive to Buddha – The Diamond Sutra 59
عن المؤلف
(文學碩士、哲學博士) 及加拿大多倫多大學安省教育學院(教育碩士)。治史師從嚴耕望教授,書法師承外祖父書法家謝熙先生,亦嘗師事名畫家容漱石先生。潘氏長期從事歷史研究、書法創作及文史教學工作, 並為港加兩地報章撰寫專欄。曾於港加舉行書法展覽會。今隱居多倫多市。著有《北周疆域考》、《北魏與蠕蠕關係研究》、《國鍵文集》、《潘國鍵書法集》、《國鍵畫選》、《孫過庭書譜白話對譯》、《寫在信仰荊途上》、《年在耳順》等等 ; 並與兒子潘君尚合譯 《A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting 英譯書譜》及《English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces 英譯法書》。
KWOK KIN POON (潘國鍵, 1949- ) was born in Guangzhou and raised in Hong Kong , and now resides in Toronto. He graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (BA, MPh, Dip Ed), the University of Hong Kong (MA, Ph D), and OISE University of Toronto (MEd). He studied Chinese history under Professor YAN Gengwang (嚴耕望), Chinese calligraphy under his grandfather TSE Hay (謝熙) and Chinese painting under RONG Shushi (容漱石). Dr. Poon is a seasoned teacher, researcher, calligrapher, columnist, and has held exhibitions in Hong Kong and Canada. His publications include 北周疆域考, 北魏與蠕蠕關係研究, 國鍵文集, 潘國鍵書法集, 國鍵畫選, 孫過庭書譜白話對譯, 寫在信仰荊途上, 年在耳順, etc.. He also co-authored with KS Vincent POON A Narrative on Calligraphy by Sun Guoting
(英譯書譜) and English Translation of Classical Chinese Calligraphy Masterpieces (英譯法書).