Author: Benoît Masquida

Sabine Müller is Full Professor for Biochemistry/Bioorganic Chemistry at University Greifswald (Germany), and is a member of the Leibniz-Sozietät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin and of Academia Net. She has been working in the field of RNA engineering and has made important contributions to ribozyme research. Benoît Masquida is a Research Director at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, and carries on research and teaching activities at the University of Strasbourg (France). He made important contributions in the field of RNA structural biology, notably through identification of new RNA folds and their evolutionary relationships. Wade Winkler is Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland (USA), and has authored multiple influential publications on the different types of regulatory RNAs in bacteria.

5 Ebooks by Benoît Masquida

David M J Lilley & Fritz Eckstein: Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis
The discovery that RNA could act as a macromolecular catalyst in the cell, signified a paradigm shift in molecular biology. Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis takes the reader through the origins of catalys …
Sabine Müller & Benoît Masquida: Ribozymes
Ribozymes Provides comprehensive coverage of a core field in the molecular biosciences, bringing together decades of knowledge from the world’s top professionals in the field Timely and unique in its …
Sabine Müller & Benoît Masquida: Ribozymes
Ribozymes Provides comprehensive coverage of a core field in the molecular biosciences, bringing together decades of knowledge from the world’s top professionals in the field Timely and unique in its …
Fabrice Leclerc: Looking at Ribozymes
Behind the neologism ‘ribozymes’ lies a family of fascinating molecules, ribo-enzymes, which have been relatively little studied. These catalytically active RNAs are found in all strata of life, from …
Fabrice Leclerc: Looking at Ribozymes
Behind the neologism ‘ribozymes’ lies a family of fascinating molecules, ribo-enzymes, which have been relatively little studied. These catalytically active RNAs are found in all strata of life, from …