Sabine Müller is Full Professor for Biochemistry/Bioorganic Chemistry at Greifswald University (Germany). Having obtained her academic degrees from Humboldt University Berlin, she spent one and a half years as a postdoc at the MRC in Cambridge (UK) and then took up a group leader position again at Humboldt University. After finishing her Habilitation in 2003, she moved to the Ruhr University Bochum, where she was a Professor for Bioorganic Chemistry, before taking up her present appointment at Greifswald in 2006. Professor Müller has received several scientific awards, including a Heisenbergstipendium of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). She is a member of the Leibniz-Societät der Wissenschaften zu Berlin and of Academia Net.
Benoît Masquida is a research director at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. After graduating from Université Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg (France) working on the rules governing RNA folding, he spent one year at Yale University concentrating on ribosomal RNA structural motifs. After coming back to Strasbourg, he was appointed as a CNRS Research Scientist. He was promoted to Research Director in 2016, acknowledging his important contributions in the RNA structural biology field.
Wade Winkler is an Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland (USA). He acquired a graduate degree from The Ohio State University before spending three years as a postdoctoral researcher at Yale University. In 2004, he began his independent scientific career at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in the Department of Biochemistry, and relocated his laboratory to the University of Maryland in 2011. Through the years, Professor Winkler has authored multiple influential publications on the different types of regulatory RNAs in bacteria.
5 Ebooks bởi Benoît Masquida
David M J Lilley & Fritz Eckstein: Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis
The discovery that RNA could act as a macromolecular catalyst in the cell, signified a paradigm shift in molecular biology. Ribozymes and RNA Catalysis takes the reader through the origins of catalys …
Sabine Müller & Benoît Masquida: Ribozymes
Timely and unique in its breadth of content, this all-encompassing and authoritative reference on ribozymes documents the great diversity of nucleic acid-based catalysis. It integrates the knowledge …
Sabine Müller & Benoît Masquida: Ribozymes
Timely and unique in its breadth of content, this all-encompassing and authoritative reference on ribozymes documents the great diversity of nucleic acid-based catalysis. It integrates the knowledge …
Fabrice Leclerc: Looking at Ribozymes
Behind the neologism ‘ribozymes’ lies a family of fascinating molecules, ribo-enzymes, which have been relatively little studied. These catalytically active RNAs are found in all strata of life, from …
Fabrice Leclerc: Looking at Ribozymes
Behind the neologism ‘ribozymes’ lies a family of fascinating molecules, ribo-enzymes, which have been relatively little studied. These catalytically active RNAs are found in all strata of life, from …