Harnessing fungi’s enzymatic ability to break down
lignocellulolytic biomass to produce ethanol more efficiently and
cost-effectively has become a significant research and industrial
interest. Fungi and Lignocellulosic Biomass provides readers
with a broad range of information on the uses and untapped
potential of fungi in the production of bio-based fuels.
With information on the molecular biological and genomic aspects
of fungal degradation of plant cell walls to the indu...
Table of Content
Preface ix
1 The Plant Biomass 1
1.1 The Structure of Plant Cell Wall 1
1.2 Chemical and Physicochemical Properties of the Major Plant Cell Wall Constituents 3
About the author
Christian P. Kubicek is a Professor at the Institute of
Chemical Engineering at the Vienna University of Technology, is
Head of the Institute’s Research Division ...