At that point in his life Dan didnt do church stuff but God was about to demonstrate that you dont have to be a preacher to experience how God encounters ordinary people in mighty ways.
God gave an ordinary person a message that moves many to tears and all to action.
An amazing journey from disbelief to experiencing supernatural workings in a mighty way.
Walk side by side with a mysterious lady during the middle of the night in a downpour. Angels walk among us.
Witness the miraculous healing of a young boy and the dramatic conversion of a non believer birthed as a result of this truly amazing event.
An unconventional approach to salvation leads to an all consuming desire for salvation.
Spared from death to share a fresh message of hope, inspiration, and answers to dealing with lifes many challenges…if only you would….
About the author
Frequently people share with me their desire to experience an awesome, majestic move of God on their lives. They want to see an angle, have God appear to them or be a part of what they feel is a supernatural experience. I just shake my head. God showing up has occasioned much fear and awe in my life. So much so that I asked God to stop. I no longer needed convincing that He is real. Yet I know what they mean. They want signs and wonders.
For me God’s draw began shortly after my high school graduation. At that point in my life I didn’t do church stuff but God was about to demonstrate that you don’t have to be a preacher to experience how God encounters ordinary people in mighty ways. God gave an everyday person a message that moves many to tears and all to action.
I reside in Akron, Ohio. I attended the university of akron four years. With only ten hours to graduate I was blackballed. I had led too many protest movements and confronted the school president too many times. They fixed my wagon!
Even though I was fairly militant and a hater of white folks a great deal of good came from my efforts. Some remain until this day. Now I realize that God Almighty was even working in all of that mess. He was taking me on an amazing journey from disbelief to experiencing supernatural workings in a mighty way.