This book deals with the nature of professional education and the
need to produce professionals who are capable of reflection upon
practice. It derives comprehensive guidelines for developing
curricula and teaching methods that encourage reflective thinking.
It is heavily research-based and the multiprofessional approach is
unique to this subject matter. It will appeal to educators in all
health science disciplines.
The book includes an introduction to the concepts of reflection
and reflective thinking and describes action research methodology
used to carry out this study. Findings are presented in the form of
case studies and the conclusions drawn are considered in the
context of practical implementation.
Table of Content
Part A: Introduction; The nature of reflection; The project and the action research approach; Part B: Developing reflective teaching in five courses: The action research process; Integrating theory and practice; The use of learning contracts; Writing reflective journals; Promoting discussion from reflective writing; Part C: Synthesizing conclusions about curricula: Encouraging reflective writing; Facilitating critical discussion; Part D: The nature of reflection: The affective dimension of reflection; Triggers for reflection; Reflections on reflection;
About the author
David Kember is the editor of Reflective Teaching and Learning in the Health Professions: Action Research in Professional Education, published by Wiley.