Following the success of prominent feature films shot on location, including Tolkien’s wildly popular The Lord of the Rings, New Zealand boasts an impressive film tourism industry. This book examines the relationship between New Zealand’s cinematic representation—as both a vast expanse of natural beauty and a magical world of fantasy on screen—and its tourism imagery, including the ways in which savvy local tourism boards have in recent decades used the country’s film representations to sell New Zealand as a premiere travel destination. Focusing on the films that have had a strong impact on marketing strategies by local tourist boards, Touring the Screen will be of interest to all those working and studying in the fields of cinema, postcolonial history, and tourism studies.
Early New Zealand Films and Western Voy(ag)eurs
1940–90: New Zealand Film Landscapes for Prospective ‘Cinenauts’
The Legacy of the Piano: Film-Tourist Geographies and the Aesthetic of the Sublime
From Ngati to Whale Rider: The Filmic Journey of the Indigenous Traveller
From Mt. Fuji To Mt. Taranaki: Dépaysement and Celebrity Worship in the Last Samurai
‘Welcome to New Zealand, Home of Middle Earth’: Heterotopian Impulse, Western Anxiety and Spatial Identity in The Lord Of The Rings
Über den Autor
Alfio Leotta is a senior lecturer in film at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His primary research interests focus on the relation between film and tourism, national cinema, film authorship and fantasy cinema. His first book Touring the Screen: Tourism and New Zealand Film Geographies (Intellect, 2011) examines film-induced tourism in New Zealand. He is also the author of The Bloomsbury Companion to Peter Jackson (Bloomsbury, 2016) and The Cinema of John Milius (Lexington Books, 2018).
Contact: Film Programme, Victoria University of Wellington, 83, Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn, 6011, Wellington, New Zealand.