Arts therapists are becoming increasingly interested in process as it is manifested in their work. The multiplicity of levels at which process operates is the theme of this new book. What happens during a therapy session is examined, as are the client’s response, which is experienced through the medium of the art form itself, and the evolution of the relationship between therapist and client. Perspectives from across the arts therapy spectrum are included, with contributions from practitioners in dramatherapy, play therapy, art therapy, music therapy and dance movement therapy. Re-evaluating the nature of the practice, Process in the Arts Therapies expands and develops the theory.
Introduction, Ann Cattanach. 1. Reflections on Dramatherapy as Initiation, Steve Mitchell, Roehampton Institute. 2. The Theatre Process in Dramatherapy, Brenda Meldrum, Roehampton Institute. 3. The World within the Playroom, Chris Daniel, Roehampton Institute. 4. Co-Construction in Play Therapy, Ann Cattanach. 5. Hands On Art Therapy, Cathy Ward, Roehampton Institute. 6. Psychodynaimc Music Therapy: Considerations in Training, Kay Sobey and John Woodcock, Digby Stuart College, Roehampton. 7. Dance Movement Therapy: A Case Study, Sarah Bannerman Haig, Dance Movement Therapist, London. 8. Links Between the Arts Therapies: Research in the Arts Therapies, Ann Cattanach and Brenda Meldrum. 9. The Arts Therapies Professions: Come to the Edge, Michael Barham. References. Index.