Psychologie SupportCatalogGeisteswissenschaftAllgemeinPhilosophie / ReligionPsychologieReligion / TheologieGeschichteSprachenPädagogikKunst / ArchitekturMusikAllgemeines, LexikaGrundlagentheoretische Psychologieangewandte PsychologiePsychoanalyseSonstiges79.767 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Laila Y. Sanguras: Raising Children With Grit Grit, the combination of passion and perseverance, has more of an influence on success than cognitive ability, and parents want nothing more than to raise happy, successful children. Raising Children … EPUB Adobe DRM €16.70 Andrew C. Papanicolaou: Emotion: A Reconsideration Of The author explores the question of the nature of emotion by critically examining three theoretical approaches – the somatic or peripheralist, the cerebrocentric, and the cognitive. In finding the so … EPUB Adobe DRM €44.97 Nancy S. Kim: The Psychology of Belief Why do we believe in the views of a political party or leader? How can we better understand vaccine hesitancy or denial of climate change science? What drives extremist or conspiracist beliefs? This … EPUB Adobe DRM €36.96 Jerome (University of Bolton, UK) Carson & Jan (University of Bolton, UK) Macfarlane: Positive Psychology for Healthcare Professionals There has been an abundance of research carried out relating to the use of positive psychology, but a focus on staff working in care settings has been lacking. Positive Psychology for Healthcare Prof … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.78 Michelle (University of Chester, UK) Tytherleigh: Positive Education at all Levels Positive education has grown and evolved, first as a discipline and then a perspective. Since its first wave of development as an application of positive psychology within education, where the focus … EPUB Adobe DRM €57.62 Regina Gregori Grgic & Dominik S Mihalits: Digital Developments This book provides novel insights and knowledge for both psychology students as well as professionals seeking to integrate technology into their clinical or educational practices. The authors emphasi … EPUB Adobe DRM €104.79 Rik Pieters & Michel Wedel: Visual Marketing This comprehensive volume aims to further research and theory development in visual marketing. By bringing together leading researchers in the field, it strives to contribute to the establishment of … EPUB Adobe DRM €51.03 Helga A.H. Rowe: Intelligence As reform in all sectors of education continues, it is becoming increasingly important that we develop a rich understanding of what ‚intelligence‘ is, and how it can be improved. Reflecting current v … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.34 Martin Conway: Flashbulb Memories This book provides a state-of-the-art review and critical evaluation of research into “flashbulb“ memories. The opening chapters explore the “encoding“ view of flashbulb memory formation and crit … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.00 Robert Siegler: Children“s Thinking First published in 1978. In 1963, John Flavell posed one of the truly basic questions underlying the study of children’s thinking; his question was simply “What develops?” This volume holds the paper … EPUB Adobe DRM €92.26 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×