This book demonstrates the power and distinctiveness of the contribution that sociolinguistics can make to our understanding of everyday communicative practice under changing social conditions. It builds on the approaches developed by Gumperz and Hymes in the 1970s and 80s, and it not only affirms their continuing relevance in analyses of the micropolitics of everyday talk in urban settings, but also argues for their value in emergent efforts to chart the heavily securitised environments now developing around us. Drawing on 10 years of collaborative work and ranging across disciplinary, interdisciplinary and applied perspectives, the book begins with guiding principles and methodology, shifts to empirically driven arguments in urban sociolinguistics, and concludes with studies of (in)securitised communication addressed to challenges ahead.
Transcription Conventions
Chapter 1. Introduction: Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions
Part 1: Sociolinguistic Frameworks Tuned to Social Change
Chapter 2. Interactional Sociolinguistics
Chapter 3. Linguistic Ethnography
Chapter 4. Sociolinguistic Citizenship
Part 2: Ethnicity, Race and Class in Micro-practices of Differentiation and Alignment
Chapter 5. Ethnicities without Guarantees
Chapter 6. Style Contrasts, Migration and Social Class
Chapter 7. From ‘Youth Language’ to Contemporary Urban Vernaculars
Chapter 8. Styling in a Language Learnt Later in Life
Part 3: Everyday (In)securitisation
Chapter 9. Sociolinguistics and Everyday (In)securitisation
Chapter 10. Crossing of a Different Kind
Chapter 11. Goffman and the Everyday Experience of Surveillance
Afterword: Jan Blommaert and the Uses of Sociolinguistics: Critical, Political, Personal
Über den Autor
Ben Rampton is Professor of Applied & Sociolinguistics at King’s College London. Using linguistic ethnography and interactional sociolinguistics, his work covers urban multilingualism; youth, ethnicity and social class; conflict and (in)securitization; and language education policy and practice. He is the founding editor of Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies.