Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to administer, score, and interpret the MCMI ¯®-IV
Essentials of MCMI ¯®-IV Assessment is the definitive source of up-to-date, practical information for clinicians and students using the MCMI¯®-IV inventory. Step-by-step guidelines walk you through the process of administering the assessment, with a profile and demonstration of the clinical process from administration to treatment. Expert discussion helps inform higher-quality therapeutic interventions. The link between assessment and intervention is emphasized throughout, as well as coverage of relevant populations and clinical applications, to provide a well-rounded understanding while illuminating the uses of the MCMI ¯®-IV.
This book provides instruction and clarification from the foremost experts to help you achieve better outcomes for your clients.
* Follow step-by-step guidelines for administering the MCMI ¯®-IV
* Recognize the connection between data and intervention
* Improve quality and accuracy of therapeutic applications
* Gain a more practical understanding of the MCMI ¯®-IV assessment process
The MCMI ¯®-IV assesses a wide range of information related to a client’s personality, emotional adjustment, test-taking approach, and other critical information. Interpretation and reporting serve as a basis from which therapeutic interventions are designed, so quality and accuracy is of utmost importance every step of the way. Essentials of MCMI ¯®-IV Assessment is the most authoritative, up-to-date resource in the field, and a must-have reference for anyone who uses the test.
List of Figures xiii
List of Tables xv
Series Preface xvii
One: History and Development of the MCMI¯® Through MCMI¯®-IV 1
Construction of the Legacy MCMI Tests (MCMI, MCMI-II, MCMI-III) 3
Development of the MCMI-IV 7
Test Yourself 16
Two: MCMI¯®-IV and Millon Evolutionary Theory 19
Personality as Focal Point in Clinical Assessment and Intervention 19
An Evolutionary Model of Personality 20
Motivating Aims 21
Problematic Patterns in Motivating Aims 23
Levels of Adaptiveness 25
Structural and Functional Domains 25
Applying Millon’s Evolutionary Theory to the MCMI-IV 29
Test Yourself 30
Three: Administration and Scoring 33
Administration 33
Scoring 35
Test Yourself 38
Four: Sections and Scales 41
Validity and Modifying Indices 42
Noteworthy Responses 44
Clinical Personality Patterns 45
Severe Personality Pathology 77
Clinical Syndromes 85
Severe Clinical Syndromes 87
Grossman Facet Scales 88
Test Yourself 95
Five: Interpretive Principles 97
Role of Personality in Assessment: A Recapitulation 97
Building an Integrative MCMI-IV Interpretation 99
Integrating the Overall Clinical Picture 107
Test Yourself 107
Six: Therapeutic Alliance Building 109
Introducing the MCMI-IV to the Examinee 110
Preparing the Examinee for Feedback 111
The Examiner’s Initial Preparation for Feedback 111
Moving Away From Labels 112
Understanding the Examinee’s Test-Taking Style (Modifying Indices) 113
Language of the Theory = Language of Alliance 1: Individual Personality Scales 114
Language of the Theory = Language of Alliance 2: Multiple Personality Scales 115
Language of the Theory = Language of Alliance 3: Facet Scales 117
Language of the Theory = Language of Alliance 4: Clinical Symptomology 119
Test Yourself 120
Seven: Strengths and Weaknesses of the MCMI¯®-IV 123
A. Jordan Wright
Strengths 123
Weaknesses 127
Final Comment 133
Test Yourself 135
Eight: Clinical Applications of the Millon Inventories 137
Key MCMI-IV Augmentation: Personality Spectra and Clinical Populations 137
The MCMI-IV in Clinical Assessment 139
Specific Assessment Applications With the MCMI 142
Other Millon Inventories 144
Test Yourself 148
Nine: Illustrative Case Reports 151
Case Example 1 151
Case Example 2 160
References 169
About the Authors 175
Index 177
Über den Autor
SETH GROSSMAN, Psy.D. is the preeminent expert on Millon assessment and primary coauthor of the MCMI-IV test. He has led its development since January 2014. A longtime collaborator with Theodore Millon, he coauthored more than 40 texts, chapters, psychological instruments, and peer-reviewed articles related to Millon Inventories. Dr. Grossman is Director of the Center for Psychological Fitness in Cooper City, Florida.
BLAISE AMENDOLACE, Psy.D. is the assessment coordinator for Florida Atlantic University’s Counseling and Psychological Services. He specializes in therapeutic personality assessment and focuses on trauma and abuse survivors. He is an adjunct faculty member at several universities and is in group practice at The Center for Psychological Fitness.