Recht SupportCatalogSozialwissenschaftAllgemeinSoziologiePolitikMedien / KommunikationEthnologieRechtWirtschaftAllgemeines, LexikaBürgerliches Recht, ZivilprozessrechtÖffentliches RechtStrafrecht, Strafprozessrecht, KriminologieHandelsrecht, WirtschaftsrechtSteuernArbeitsrecht, SozialrechtInternationales RechtSonstiges78.532 Ebooks in dieser Kategorie Jr. Cairns: Rehabilitating Damaged Ecosystems Built on a strong foundation in restoration ecology, this unique handbook provides practitioners, academics, and managers with vital tools needed to plan for ecosystem conservation, to restore degrad … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.72 Julian Bailey: Construction Law Now in its second edition, Construction Law is the standard work of reference for busy construction law practitioners, and it will support lawyers in their contentious and non-contentious practices w … EPUB Adobe DRM €707.25 Ricky E. Carr: Comprehensive Tax Guide For Clergy 2014 for 2013 Tax Returns EPUB Adobe DRM €3.99 Jane Murphy: Resolving Family Conflicts Over the past two decades, virtually all areas of family law have undergone major doctrinal and theoretical changes – from the definition of marriage, to the financial and parenting consequences of d … EPUB Adobe DRM €251.54 T Markus Funk: Rethinking Self-Defence Self-defence – the “ancient right“ – has never been more relevant than in the present era of widespread calls for criminal justice reform. The book substantially advances the patinaed discussion by … EPUB Adobe DRM €48.22 Professor Helen Xanthaki: Drafting Legislation This book constitutes the first thorough academic analysis of legislative drafting. By placing the study of legislation and its principles within the paradigm of Flyvberg“s phronetic social sciences … EPUB Adobe DRM €110.26 Elizabeth Wicks: The State and the Body This book investigates the limits of the legitimate role of the state in regulating the human body. It questions whether there is a public interest in issues of bodily autonomy, with particular focus … EPUB Adobe DRM €40.55 David Brookes: Venture Capital Tax Reliefs EPUB Adobe DRM €150.41 Dr Carissima Mathen: Courts Without Cases Since 1875, Canadian courts have been permitted to act as advisors alongside their ordinary, adjudicative role. This book offers the first detailed examination of that role from a legal perspective. … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.40 Pierre Horna: Fighting Cross-Border Cartels This book is the first detailed treatment of the approaches taken to enforce competition laws against cross-border cartels (CBCs) from the perspective of young and small competition authorities (more … EPUB Adobe DRM €50.94 nächste Seite >>> 0 0 zur Kasse 0,00 × × × Benutzersprache ändern × ArabischDeutschEnglischSpanischFranzösischHindiIndonesischItalienischMalaiischNiederländischPolnischPortugiesischRumänischRussischSchwedischThaiTürkischUkrainischVietnamesischChinesischInternational Modal ×