Jurisprudência ApoioCatalogCiências sociaisGeralSociologiaPolíticaMídia / ComunicaçãoEtnologiaJurisprudênciaEconomiaGeral, DicionáriosCivil Law, Civil Process LawDireito PúblicoDireito Penal, Direito Processual Penal, CriminologiaDireito Comercial, Direito EmpresarialImpostosDireito do Trabalho, Direito SocialDireito InternacionalOutro77.615 Ebooks nesta categoria Pierre Horna: Fighting Cross-Border Cartels This book is the first detailed treatment of the approaches taken to enforce competition laws against cross-border cartels (CBCs) from the perspective of young and small competition authorities (more … EPUB Adobe DRM €50.94 Yiannis Drossos: The Flight of Icarus This book provides a detailed analysis of the institutional transformations brought about by the financial crisis, focusing on the institution-building course of Europe and the Constitution-bending c … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.29 Mr R. J. Moules: Environmental Judicial Review Judicial review of environmental decisions is an important and growing area of public law. But although the general principles of judicial review have been clearly mapped out, their application to th … EPUB Adobe DRM €174.10 Mary Rogan: Prison Law Prison litigation is becoming increasingly common in Ireland. Prison numbers are at an all-time high and conditions in many Irish prisons have been criticised by international and domestic human righ … EPUB Adobe DRM €202.65 William Goldfarb: Water Law This revised second edition is essential to everyone involved with water and water resources-complying with the myriad federal, state, and local laws and regulations that govern the use and managemen … EPUB Adobe DRM €64.44 Dr Carissima Mathen: Courts Without Cases Since 1875, Canadian courts have been permitted to act as advisors alongside their ordinary, adjudicative role. This book offers the first detailed examination of that role from a legal perspective. … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.40 Marta Iljadica: Copyright Beyond Law The form of graffiti writing on trains and walls is not accidental. Nor is its absence on cars and houses. Employing a particular style of letters, choosing which walls and trains to write on, copyin … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.08 Iyiola Solanke: Discrimination as Stigma This monograph reconceptualises discrimination law as fundamentally concerned with stigma. Using sociological and socio-psychological theories of stigma, the author presents an ”anti-stigma principl … EPUB Adobe DRM €46.20 Alison Diduck: Marriage and Cohabitation The law has long been interested in marriage and conjugal cohabitation and in the range of public and private obligations that accrue from intimate living. This collection of classic articles explore … EPUB Adobe DRM €416.07 Jr. Cairns: Rehabilitating Damaged Ecosystems Built on a strong foundation in restoration ecology, this unique handbook provides practitioners, academics, and managers with vital tools needed to plan for ecosystem conservation, to restore degrad … EPUB Adobe DRM €75.72 Próxima página >>> 0 0 Confira 0,00 × × × Alterar idioma do usuário × ÁrabeAlemãoInglêsEspanholFrancêsHindiIndonésioItalianoMalaioHolandêsPolonêsPortuguêsRomenoRussoSuecoTailandêsTurcoUcranianoVietnamitaChinêsInternational Modal ×