Essentials of WRAML2 and TOMAL-2 Assessment introduces professionals to these two widely used memory measurement batteries, both of which measure memory and are used to supplement evaluations of ADHD and reading problems in youngsters, as well as a number of other disorders across the age span. Written by Wayne Adams and Cecil Reynolds, this essential reference provides administration guidelines, including procedural suggestions and solutions for common problems examiners may encounter; expert assessment of each test?s relative strengths and weaknesses; valuable advice on clinical applications; and illuminating case reports.
Series Preface xi
One: Foundations: Measuring Memory 1
Two: Overview of the WRAML2 23
Three: Administration and Scoring of the WRAML2 49
Four: Interpretation of the WRAML2 94
Five: Overview of the TOMAL- 2 141
Six: Administration and Scoring of the TOMAL- 2 172
Seven: Interpretation of the TOMAL- 2 212
References 262
Annotated Bibliography 268
Index 277
About the Authors 287
Über den Autor
Wayne Adams, Ph D, ABPP, is Professor of Clinical Psychology at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon.
Cecil R. Reynolds, Ph D, is Professor of Educational Psychology, Professor of Neuroscience, and Distinguished Research Scholar at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas. He has written more than forty books. Both authors have coauthored numerous tests in addition to the two instruments covered in this volume.