I intend to have you feel the wind at sea, to taste the salt on your lips, to hear the wave as he rushes toward you, to smell the sweet scent of land yet beyond the horizon. I want to put your hand on the smooth varnished spokes of the teak wheel so that you feel the living motion of this sailing yacht, and have you brace your feet against the roll of the ship as you reef the mainsail at sea.
But there is so much more than this. There is the beauty of quiet anchorages, in waters of such startling clarity that illusions of unreality are experienced. When looking from the shore, you can see not only the yacht above her waterline, but also see her full keel and the anchor chain arching downward from her bow. She can seem to be suspended in air, because the lagoon is invisibly so clear.
It is my intent, not just to have you hear my voice as you read this book, but if you wish, you can be part of this voyage.
It gives me pleasure, indeed honor, to welcome you aboard.
Dedication; Acknowledgements; Introduction; Chapter 1: The Osprey; Chapter 2: The Osprey Reborn; Chapter 3: The Osprey Takes Flight; Chapter 4: The Bahama Islands; Chapter 5: Haiti; Chapter 6: Panama; Chapter 7: The Galapagos Islands; Chapter 8: The Vast Pacific Ocean; Chapter 9: The Marquises Islands; Chapter 10: Tahiti; Chapter 11: The Day Fish Rained From The Sky; Chapter 12: Samoa*; Chapter 13: Tonga; Chapter 14: Fiji; Chapter 15: A South Pacific Storm; Chapter 16: Fiji Again; Appendix A: A Detailed Look at the Boat Handling Arrangement; Appendix B: Peggy’s Log I: The Galapagos; Appendix C: Peggy’s Log II: Tahiti