Research Methods in Social Relations, 8th Edition, features a series of updates and revisions in its comprehensive introduction to current research methods in the social and behavioural sciences.
- Offers comprehensive coverage of a wide variety of traditional and topical research methods
- Addresses many newer research approaches such as propensity score matching, mixed methods designs, and confirmatory factor analysis
- Written to be accessible to a range of social and behavioural science disciplines, including public health, political science, sociology, and psychology
- Includes new chapters that engage readers in critical thinking about the processes involved in building sustainable partnerships in field and community settings
- The Companion website includes an array of resources for Instructors, including Test Banks, Power Point lecture slides, discussion questions and exercises
- This new edition is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2001’s seventh edition by Hoyle, Harris and Judd
Preface to the Eighth Edition xv
Acknowledgments xix
About the Companion Website xx
Part I Underpinnings of Social Relations Research 1
Chapter 1 Ways of Thinking and Knowing 3
Chapter 2 Doing Social Science Research 29
Chapter 3 Ethical Principles 53
Chapter 4 Roles and Relations among Researchers, Practitioners, and Participants in Engaged Research 81
Chapter 5 Research in Laboratory Settings 107
Chapter 6 Research in Field and Community-Based Settings 139
Part II Research Approaches in Social Relations Research 161
Chapter 7 Measurement and Reliability 163
Chapter 8 Evaluating the Construct Validity of Measures 201
Chapter 9 Sampling Methods 229
Chapter 10 Randomized Experiments 257
Chapter 11 Quasi-Experimental and Other Nonrandomized Designs 291
Chapter 12 Non-Experimental Research 323
Chapter 13 Qualitative Research 365
Chapter 14 Survey Research 391
Chapter 15 Evaluation Research 413
Chapter 16 Mixed Methods Approaches: Learning from Complementary Methods 437
Part III Analysis and Writing 453
Chapter 17 Critically Reviewing Research Reports and Literatures 455
Chapter 18 Writing the Research Report 485
References 513
Index 535
Über den Autor
Geoffrey Maruyama is Professor and Chair of the Department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota, USA. His books include Basics of Structural Equation Modeling (1998) and Research in Educational Settings (with Stanley Deno, 1992). He is a former President and Secretary Treasurer of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI).
Carey S. Ryan is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, USA. She is co-author of Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach (2nd ed., 2009) with Charles M. Judd and Gary H. Mc Clelland.