Through the use of clearly defined instructions and examples, How to Write in Psychology is a concise and comprehensive guide for the well-prepared student on the principles of writing essays and research papers for psychology.
- Presents everything the well-prepared student needs to know about the principles and practice of writing for psychology
- Compares and contrasts the different writing requirements and techniques for essays and research reports in psychology
- Offers advice on constructing figures and producing properly formatted graphs and tables
- Includes exercises to improve grammar, style, and critical awareness
- Provides checklists, tips for getting started, and examples of a properly written essay and lab report
List of Illustrations ix
Acknowledgements xi
Introduction xii
1 Some Preliminaries 1
2 Writing the Essay 15
3 Preliminaries to Writing the Lab Report 42
4 Writing the Quantitative Lab Report 61
5 Writing the Qualitative Research Report 88
6 Presenting Numbers, Tables and Figures 98
7 Writing the Project 118
8 Writing for Exams and Answering MCQs 129
9 Writing for Other Purposes 143
10 Attention to Detail: More on APA Formatting, Especially References 155
11 Some Basics of Grammar and Common Confusions 182
12 Improve Your Editing Skills 199
Appendix 1: An Example Student Essay 216
Appendix 2: An Example Student Quantitative Lab Report 223
References 234
Index 237
Über den Autor
Dr. John R. Beech is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Leicester. He has authored many journal articles and has written or co-edited several books, including The Psychological Assessment of Reading, Assessment in Neuropsychology, and Assessment in Speech and Language Therapy.