The Canadian Annual Review has become an indispensable reference book for those concerned directly or indirectly with Canadian public affairs. It is not only a concise, convenient record of the year but a responsible appraisal of important developments compiled by a corps of Canadian scholars and experts, writing under the direction of an outstanding Canadian historian and political commentator.
Featured in this edition are discussions of the election campaign, the Liberal landslide of July 8 that forced Conservatives and New Democrats to start looking for new leaders, the crisis in military circles over funding for defence expenditures, the government“s failure to develop an oil policy, and the growth of labour unrest in response to inflation.
In addtion to being authoritative, the Canadian Annual Review is eminently readable. The articles can be read consecutively for interest and instruction, or they can be spot read with ease to locate particular information. A detailed and thorough index greatly enhances the value of this important reference book.