Making a success of your teaching placement is a vital part of achieving qualified teacher status (QTS). With a focus on practical strategies and closely referenced to Of STED, this book provides essential guidance on how to translate the ′outstanding′ criteria into practice.
The authors break down the Of STED criteria so that you can easily identify the skills and knowledge you need to make the most of your placements.
Packed with case studies, practical tasks and links to the QTS standards, the book is structured around:
‚ developing professional knowledge
‚ planning
‚ how to be an outstanding teacher
‚ classroom management
‚ teamwork
‚ assessment
‚ Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
This book will help trainees make the difficult jump from ′good′ to achieving a Grade 1 ′outstanding′ on their placements.
Jonathan Glazzard is Course Leader BA (Hons) in Early Primary Education at the University of Huddersfield. Jane Stokoe is Foundation Stage and KS1 leader, SENCO and Assistant Headteacher at Hoyland Springwood Primary School, Barnsley.
Outstanding Professional Attributes
About the Authors
Table of Acronyms
Glossary of Key Terms
Professional Attributes
Professional Knowledge and Understanding
Planning for Teaching and Learning
Outstanding Teaching
Assessment for Learning
Team Work
Classroom Management
Pursuing Your Own Professional Development
Organising Your Files
Going beyond the Standards
Developing Your Own Professional Identity
Appendix – List of QTS Standard by Chapter
Über den Autor
Jane Stokoe has over thirty years experience as a primary school teacher. She has spent almost 20 years in Early Years and Key Stage 1, and is passionate about her role as a classroom practitioner with young children.