In this book, Drs. Ratts and Pedersen combine the very best from the multicultural and social justice traditions into a new paradigm, which will guide counselors toward a deeper understanding of the connections between these two counseling forces. Significantly updated and expanded from the previous edition, this fourth edition focuses on applying multiculturalism and social justice in various clinical settings with diverse client populations.
A completely new applications section contains nine chapters on working with oppressed client groups, including African Americans; Asian and Pacific Islanders; Latin@s; multiracial individuals; Native Americans; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and questioning clients; transgender individuals; women; and socioeconomically disadvantaged clients. Clients experiencing religious and spiritual concerns are discussed as well. Each of the chapters in this section provides an illustrative case study and numerous counseling examples.
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Preface ix
Acknowledgments xv
About the Authors xvii
About the Contributors xix
Section I. An Overview of Multicultural and Social Justice Counseling
Chapter 1 Multiculturalism and Social Justice: A Revolutionary Force in Counseling and Psychology 3
Chapter 2 Five Forces in Counseling and Psychology 17
Chapter 3 The Complexities of Identity 35
Chapter 4 Counselor – Advocate – Scholar Model: Merging Multiculturalism and Social Justice 51
Chapter 5 Worldview and Identity Development 59
Manivong J. Ratts, Paul B. Pedersen, and Alexa Wayman
Section II. Developing Multicultural and Social Justice Competence
Chapter 6 Using Appropriate Terminology 85
Chapter 7 Developing Multicultural Competence 89
Chapter 8 Developing Advocacy Competence 105
Chapter 9 Addressing Resistance and Gaining Buy-In for Multiculturalism and Social Justice 117
Section III. Addressing Individual and Systemic Oppression
Addressing Racism in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 10 Counseling Clients From Asian and Pacific Island Heritages 127
Catherine Y. Chang, C. Peeper Mc Donald, and Caroline O’Hara
Chapter 11 Counseling African Americans 143
S. Kent Butler and M. Ann Shillingford-Butler
Chapter 12 Counseling Native Americans and Social Justice 157
Timothy C. Thomason
Chapter 13 Counseling Latin@s From a Social Justice Perspective 179
Edil Torres-Rivera and Manivong J. Ratts
Chapter 14 Counseling Multiracial Individuals and Families 193
Kelley R. Kenney and Mark E. Kenney
Addressing Heterosexism in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 15 Social Justice Counseling Practices: Affi rming Queer Pluralism With LGBQ Clients 211
Julian Rafferty Mc Cullough and Alexander C. Winninghoff
Addressing Transgender Oppression in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 16 Counseling Transgender Clients 229
Varunee Faii Sangganjanavanich
Addressing Sexism in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 17 Counseling Women 245
Jennifer L. Pepperell, Jennifer Londgren, and Laura A. Maki
Addressing Classism in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 18 A Social Justice Perspective on Counseling and Poverty 259
Rebecca Reed and Laura Smith
Addressing Religion and Spirituality in Counseling and Psychology
Chapter 19 Engaged Spirituality: A Heart for Social Justice 275
Craig S. Cashwell and Jodi L. Bartley
Index 289
Über den Autor
Manivong J. Ratts, Ph D, NCC, is associate professor in the Department of Counseling and School Psychology at Seattle University.
Paul B. Pedersen, Ph D, is professor emeritus in the Department of Counseling and Human Services in the School of Education at Syracuse University.