This book addresses the politically charged issue of citizenship and English language learning among adult migrants in the UK. Whilst citizenship learning is inherent in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), the book argues that top-down approaches and externally-designed curricula are not a productive or useful approach. Meaningful citizenship education in adult ESOL is possible, however, if it brings social and political content centre-stage alongside pedagogy which develops the capabilities for active, grassroots, participatory citizenship. The chapters deliver a detailed examination of citizenship and ESOL in the UK. They address a range of community and college-based settings and the needs and circumstances of different groups of ESOL students, including refugees, migrant mothers, job seekers and students with mental health needs. The book draws attention to the crucial role of ESOL teachers as ‘brokers of citizenship’ mediating between national policy and the experiences and needs of adult migrant students. The book links together language pedagogy and citizenship theory with the practical concerns of ESOL teachers and students.
Introduction. Melanie Cooke and Rob Peutrell
Part 1: Framing ESOL and Citizenship in the UK
Chapter 1. James Simpson: Policy and Adult Migrant Language Education in the UK
Chapter 2. Rob Peutrell Thinking About Citizenship and ESOL
Chapter 3. Melanie Cooke: ESOL Teachers as Mediators of the Citizenship Testing Regime
Part 2: Brokering Britain in the Classroom
Chapter 4. John Callaghan, Tesfalem Yemane, Mike Baynham: Steps to Settlement for Refugees: A Case Study
Chapter 5. Michael Hepworth: Argumentation, Citizenship and the Adult ESOL Classroom
Chapter 6. Pauline Moon with Roseena Hussain: Using Participatory Photography in English Classes: Resisting Silence, Resisting Dis-citizenship
Chapter 7. Melanie Cooke, Dermot Bryers and Becky Winstanley: ‘Our Languages’: Towards Sociolinguistic Citizenship in ESOL
Part 3: ESOL and Citizenship in Migrants‘ Lives
Chapter 8. Stefan Vollmer: Digital Citizenship for Newly Arrived Syrian Refugees Through Mobile Technologies
Chapter 9. Sheila Macdonald: Migrant Women, Active Citizens
Chapter 10. John Gray and Melanie Cooke: Queering ESOL: Sexual Citizenship in ESOL Classrooms
Chapter 11. Celia Roberts: From the Outside in: Gatekeeping the Workplace
Afterword. Rob Peutrell and Melanie Cooke: ESOL, Citizenship and Teacher
Über den Autor
Rob Peutrell is an ESOL lecturer at Nottingham College, Nottingham, UK. He has taught both EFL and ESOL, and worked as a learning support lecturer.