Offering an interdisciplinary approach, The Handbook of Classroom Discourse and Interaction presents a series of contributions written by educators and applied linguists that explores the latest research methodologies and theories related to classroom language.
• Organized to facilitate a critical understanding of how and why various research traditions differ and how they overlap theoretically and methodologically
• Discusses key issues in the future development of research in critical areas of education and applied linguistics
• Provides empirically-based analysis of classroom talk to illustrate theoretical claims and methodologies
• Includes multimodal transcripts, an emerging trend in education and applied linguistics, particularly in conversation analysis and sociocultural theory
Notes on Contributors x
Acknowledgements xvi
Part I Preliminary Matters 1
1 Introduction: Classroom Discourse and Interaction Research 3
Numa Markee
Part II Research Methodologies and Assessment 21
Overview of the Research Methodologies and Assessment Section 23
Numa Markee
2 Developing a Multi‐faceted Research Process: An Ethnographic Perspective for Reading Across Traditions 26
Judith L. Green, Maria Lúcia Castanheira, Audra Skukauskaite, and John W. Hammond
3 Understanding Classroom Discourse and Interaction: Qualitative Perspectives 44
Audra Skukauskaite, Jessica Rangel, Lisa Garcia Rodriguez, and Denise Krohn Ramón
4 Experimental Perspectives on Classroom Interaction 60
Mike Long
5 Shifting Trends in the Assessment of Classroom Interaction 74
Marta Antón
Part III The Educational Tradition 91
Overview of the Educational Tradition 93
Numa Markee
6 Discourse and Learning in Contexts of Educational Interaction 96
Carl H. Frederiksen and Janet Donin
7 Can Neo‐Marxian and Poststructural Theories in Education Inform Each Other? Using Genre Approaches to Bridge the Gap 115
Ross Collin and Michael W. Apple
8 The Role of Talk in Group‐based Activity in Classrooms 128
David Bloome
9 The Sequential Analysis of Instruction 142
Oskar Lindwall, Gustav Lymer, and Christian Greiffenhagen
Part IV The Cognitive Interactionist Tradition 159
Overview of the Cognitive Interactionist Tradition 161
Numa Markee
10 The Role of Tasks as Vehicles for Language Learning in Classroom Interaction 163
You Jin Kim
11 Comprehensible Input and Output in Classroom Interaction 182
Susan M. Gass
12 An Interactionist Approach to Learner–learner Interaction in Second and Foreign Language Classrooms 198
Melissa A. Bowles and Rebecca J. Adams
13 The Relative Effectiveness of Corrective Feedback in Classroom Interaction 213
Roy Lyster
Part V The Sociocultural Theory Tradition 229
Overview of the Sociocultural Theory Tradition 231
Numa Markee
14 From Interaction to Intra‐action: The Internalization of Talk, Gesture, and Concepts in the Second Language Classroom 233
Eduardo Negueruela‐Azarola, Próspero N. García, and Kimberly Buescher
15 Classroom Discourse and Interaction in the Zone of Proximal Development 250
Holbrook Mahn
16 The Emergence of Sociolinguistic Competence in L2 Classroom Interaction 265
Rémi A. van Compernolle
17 Sociocultural Approaches to Expert–novice Relationships in Second Language Interaction 281
Steven L. Thorne and John Hellermann
Part VI The Language Socialization Tradition 299
Overview of the Language Socialization Tradition 301
Numa Markee
18 Literacy, Creativity, and Continuity: A Language Socialization Perspective on Heritage Language Classroom Interaction 304
Agnes Weiyun He
19 Language Socialization Across Learning Spaces 319
Jin Sook Lee and Mary Bucholtz
20 Academic Language and Literacy Socialization for Second Language Students 337
Patricia A. Duff and Tim Anderson
21 A Language Socialization Perspective on Identity Work of ESL Youth in a Superdiverse High School Classroom 353
Steven Talmy
Part VII The Conversation Analysis Tradition 369
Overview of the Conversation Analysis Tradition 371
Numa Markee
22 L2 Classroom Interaction as a Complex Adaptive System 373
Paul Seedhouse
23 Conversation‐for‐Learning: Institutional Talk Beyond the Classroom 390
Gabriele Kasper and Younhee Kim
24 Documenting Change Across Time: Longitudinal and Cross‐sectional CA Studies of Classroom Interaction 409
Simona Pekarek Doehler and Virginie Fasel Lauzon
25 CA‐for‐SLA Studies of Classroom Interaction: Quo Vadis? 425
Numa Markee and Silvia Kunitz
Part VIII The Critical Theory Tradition 441
Overview of the Critical Theory Tradition 443
Numa Markee
26 Multilingual Classroom Discourse as a Window on Wider Social, Political and Ideological Processes: Critical Ethnographic Approaches 446
Marilyn Martin‐Jones
27 Power, Resistance and Second Language Learning 461
Elizabeth R. Miller
28 Seeing ‘Language and Development’ Play out in Classroom Interaction 475
Roslyn Appleby
29 The Social Construction of Inequality in and through Interaction in Multilingual Classrooms 490
Luisa Martín Rojo
Part IX Final Words 507
30 Where Does Research on Classroom Discourse and Interaction Go From Here? 509
Numa Markee
Appendix Transcription Conventions in Conversation Analysis 527
Index 529
Über den Autor
Numa Markee is Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. He is an English Language Specialist for the US Department of State and author of Managing Curricular Innovation (1997) and Conversation Analysis (2000).