Since 2011, Pablo Iglesias has led Podemos, a new radical left party in Spain that is reframing the nature of modern politics. Under his guidance, the party has unmasked the ideological motives behind European austerity, revealing the true nature of this power grab conducted on behalf of elites intent on dismantling the welfare state. Here, Iglesias delineates his political vision. He skewers not only the Spanish establishment, but also the anti-democratic bloc comprising the Troika, corporate interests, and the ‚Wall Street Party.‘
Politics in a Time of Crisis-which includes an in-depth interview with Iglesias-is an incisive examination of the current situation in Europe as well as a stirring call for international resistance.
Über den Autor
Pablo Iglesias Turrion was a university lecturer in Madrid and a TV presenter of the leading political news show until 2014. In that year he formed Podemos and stood, and won a seat, in the European Parliament elections. The party gained 100, 000 members in its first 8 weeks. As he was sworn in to become a MEP he said: ‚I swear to abide by the constitution until the citizens of my country change it in order to recover sovereignty and social rights.‘