The Chairman, a Shakespearean tale of friendship and betrayal that rivals that of Hamlet, is the harrowing story of Jim Greer, a man loyal to a fault to Florida Governor Charlie Crist, his benefactor. Greer trusts Crist to protect him from the onslaught of the Tea Party wing of the party, only to watch as Crist stabs him in the back and helps send him to prison in order to try to save his own political career.
It’s also a political tell-all, the truth about how wealth begets power in Republican-led state politics. The book details the secret deals, the dirty pool, the payoffs. It’s also very personal, an inside look at the brotherly relationship between Greer and Crist, the ruthlessness of potential Presidential candidate Marco Rubio and attorney general Bill Mc Collum, as well as at every turn political treachery.
Über den Autor
PETER GOLENBOCK is the author of nine New York Times best sellers. In addition to his sports classics, The Bronx Zoo (with Sparky Lyle), Number 1 (with Billy Martin), Balls (with Graig Nettles), Idiot (with Johnny Damon), and Driven (with Donald Driver), he is also the author of Personal Fouls, Presumed Guilty (with Jose Baez, the attorney for Casey Anthony), and American Prince (with Tony Curtis). Golenbock lives with his wife Wendy Sears Grassi in St. Petersburg, Florida.