ENGLISH……ENGLISH……my l i t t l e K I T C H E – K N I G G E ….with many FOTOS … E N G L I S H …… E N G L I S H This are a SUGGESTION for YOU for fine E A T / F O O D for EVERYBODY ! >>>> R A Y M O N D i <<<< the Cooking=Kitchen – Hobby-Assictance *** NUMBER ( 3 )*** in ENGLISH ! <<<< A Translate from old NOTES to Cooking / Baking / Boil / Roasted ….. MEAL from my FAMILY Many myself F O T O S for >SOUPSBREAD-Bakinga FISH>typical national MEAT<< – >BEEFPORKVEGETABLESDESSERTs< and mixed more !
Über den Autor
I was born in Vienna and stay in Austria/EU. In the junior-School I am learning flute ‚Vienna Singing Boys‘ = ‚WIENER_SÄNGERKNABEN‘ . I am started learning PIANO + Harmonium …. I am founder+player in 3 Music-Bands (KEYBOARDS+GUITAR/Flute/Melodica…….singing and more).
ARTIST=CONTRIBUTOR by ☆Adobe Stock☆ by ☆i Stock(Getty)☆Pond5☆