Development & Plasticity in Sensory Thalamus & Cortex is based on a 2-day symposium offered for the first time at SFN 2003. The symposium focused on the latest findings and ideas, focusing on visual and somatosensory thalamus and neocortex in rodents and carnivores and functional imaging studies in developing and aging human neocortex, as well as plastic changes after spinal cord injury. This volume will cover recent advances in understanding sensory thalamic and cortical function, organization, and plasticity. Chapters will cover a broad range of approaches from single cell recordings to viral gene transfer to transgenic and knockout mouse models to functional imaging in human cortex. The text is intended to provide an update on the multitude of technical and experimental approaches in understanding the development and plasticity of the mammalian sensory thalamus and neocortex and provide a synthetic theoretical framework for future studies.
Pioneer Neurons and Interneurons in the Developing Subplate: Molecular Markers, Cell Birthdays, and Neurotransmitters.- Dual Roles of Transcription Factors in Forebrain Morphogenesis and Development of Axonal Pathways.- Subcortical and Neocortical Guidance of Area-specific Thalamic Innervation.- The Earliest Thalamocortical Interactions.- Molecular Basis for the Formation of Lamina-Specific Thalamocortical Projection.- Role of Citron K in the Development of Cerebral Cortex.- The Absence of Layer 4 Dramatically Alters Cortical Development in Ferret Somatosensory Cortex.- Influence of Thalamocortical Activity on Sensory Cortical Development and Plasticity.- Pathways to Barrel Development.- Patterning of the Somatosensory Maps with NMDA Receptors.- Presynaptic Mechanisms Controlling Axon Terminal Remodeling in the Thalamocortical and Retinogeniculate Systems.- Cellular Mechanisms Underlying the Remodeling of Retinogeniculate Connections.- A Model for Synaptic Refinement in Visual Thalamus.- Making and Breaking Eye-specific Projections to the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus.- LTD as a Mechanism for Map Plasticity in Rat Barrel Cortex.- High-Field (9.4T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Squirrel Monkey.