Crossing Boundaries in the Americas, Vietnam, and the Middle East is the personal, yet profoundly political first-person account of one man’s unique interracial and interfaith leadership roles over five decades in movements for civil rights, against the Vietnam War, and for Arab-Israeli-Palestinian peace. Ron Young’s story, told with honesty, humility, and humor, gives an insider view of key events in these movements and personalizes a significant strain of modern American history not often afforded sufficient attention in either the textbooks or the mainstream press. This book is an important read for anyone interested in these issues and movements. It should be recommended reading for students in colleges and high schools.
Über den Autor
Ron Young is a consultant to thirty American Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religious leaders working together for Israeli-Palestinian peace. In the 1980s, Ron and his wife Carol Jensen lived in the Middle East while pursuing a Quaker assignment of listening to Arabs and Israelis. During the Vietnam War, Ron resisted the draft, visited Saigon and Hanoi, and coordinated peace marches on Washington in 1969 and 1970. Ron also worked with Rev. Jim Lawson in a black Methodist church in Memphis in 1962, and with Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma in March of 1965. Ron remains a popular and inspiring speaker at colleges, high schools, congregations, and community forums.