Jennifer Brown is Visiting Professor and Co-Director of the Mannheim Centre for Criminology at the London School of Economics, UK and is a chartered forensic and occupational psychologist.
Sarah Miller is a Chartered Psychologist and registered Forensic Psychologist. She is currently living and working in Australia and has recently commenced a Ph D at Bond University in Queensland.
Sara Northey is a Chartered Psychologist, currently working for Sussex Partnerships Secure and Forensic services at the Hellingly Centre medium secure unit, UK.
Darragh O“Neill is currently undertaking audit research into the National Health Service and is based in the School of Life and Medical Sciences at University College London, UK.
4 Ebooks von S. Miller
J. Brown & S. Miller: What Works in Therapeutic Prisons
Exploring the first purpose-built prison community of its kind, the HMP Dovegate Therapeutic Community, this book provides the most comprehensive coverage of this research to date, following the prog …
S. Miller: The New Deal as a Triumph of Social Work
The New Deal as a Triumph of Social Work concerns the ‚hand‘ the New Deal plays from the perspective of early American History in which government and business cooperation is assumed and economic rig …
S. Miller: Um lugar no coração
O amor pode nos levar à mais grandiosa das viagens. Antes era a música que movia o coração de Alice. Até que conheceu André… Por ele, abdicou de seus sonhos e sua carreira para se tornar a esposa per …
S. Miller: Indomável
Lírio é uma filha de fazendeiros e, como a tradição manda, seu destino estava traçado desde o nascimento. Ela se casaria com Antônio, filho do melhor amigo de seu pai controlador. Mas seu coração tin …