Jennifer Brown is Visiting Professor and Co-Director of the Mannheim Centre for Criminology at the London School of Economics, UK and is a chartered forensic and occupational psychologist.
Sarah Miller is a Chartered Psychologist and registered Forensic Psychologist. She is currently living and working in Australia and has recently commenced a Ph D at Bond University in Queensland.
Sara Northey is a Chartered Psychologist, currently working for Sussex Partnerships Secure and Forensic services at the Hellingly Centre medium secure unit, UK.
Darragh O »Neill is currently undertaking audit research into the National Health Service and is based in the School of Life and Medical Sciences at University College London, UK.
4 Ebooks par S. Miller
J. Brown & S. Miller: What Works in Therapeutic Prisons
Exploring the first purpose-built prison community of its kind, the HMP Dovegate Therapeutic Community, this book provides the most comprehensive coverage of this research to date, following the prog …
S. Miller: The New Deal as a Triumph of Social Work
The New Deal as a Triumph of Social Work concerns the ‘hand’ the New Deal plays from the perspective of early American History in which government and business cooperation is assumed and economic rig …
S. Miller: Um lugar no coração
O amor pode nos levar à mais grandiosa das viagens. Antes era a música que movia o coração de Alice. Até que conheceu André… Por ele, abdicou de seus sonhos e sua carreira para se tornar a esposa per …
S. Miller: Indomável
Lírio é uma filha de fazendeiros e, como a tradição manda, seu destino estava traçado desde o nascimento. Ela se casaria com Antônio, filho do melhor amigo de seu pai controlador. Mas seu coração tin …