For close to 40 years, Steve Orndorf and his brother, Dave, have traveled to the jungles of South America in the pursuit of adventure and trophy fish. While the fishing hasnt always been productive, theres been no shortage of adventures. Journeying through seven countries, theyve encountered logistical nightmares, hostile Indians, and a host of intimidating creaturespiranhas, electric eels, poison dart frogs, vampire bats, caimans, freshwater rays, snakes, bullet ants, and more.
The richly biodiverse Amazon and Orinoco River basins have served as backdrops for most of these trips. Here, a brief walk in the jungle can expose one to an astonishing array of different species, more perhaps than would be revealed in a month of walking in most parts of North America. For the Orndorf brothers, sportsfishing has opened the door to exploring this magnificent region, truly one of our planets last remaining frontiers
Über den Autor
A graduate of Middlebury College and Dartmouth’s Amos Tuck School of Business, Orndorf worked for 35 years in the steel industry before becoming a consultant for a developer in Napa, California, where he has resided with his wife, Linda, since 1980.