Foreword, by Judith Butler
Editor’s Introduction, by Slavoj Zizek
Prologue: The Visit of the Three Magi in the Holy Land
Slavoj Zizek in Ramal...
Foreword, by Judith Butler
Editor’s Introduction, by Slavoj Zizek
Prologue: The Visit of the Three Magi in the Holy Land
Slavoj Zizek in Ramallah: Back to the Trauma Zone, by Merav Yudilovitch
Alain Badiou in Haifa: Their Entire Particular World
Judith Butler in Sheikh-Jarrah: ‚This place which is called Israel‘
1 Theology: ‚Specters of Binationalism‘
A Manifesto for the Jewish-Palestinian Arab-Hebrew State
Why We Support Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions
The Star of Redemption with a Split ?
2 Body
Samson the Non-European
Pnay El (Face of God): The Place of Radical Encounter
Jocasta’s Dream: The Birth of Love from the Slaughter of the Innocent
3 Place: Writing from Occupied Territories
The Specters of a Borrowed Village
For Palestine Is Missing from Palestine
The Fish Who Became a Shahid
Jenin and Homeopathy
A Murder Is a Murder Is a Murder: Between Tel Aviv and Bil’in
4 Politics: Plea to Jewish Artists
Trust Your Dreams: To Dorit Rabinian
Thus Spoke the Left: An Attack on the Manifesto of the National Left
The Betrayal of the Peace Camp: To Achinoam Nini
From Now On Say I Am a Palestinian Jew: To David Grossman
And Who Shall I Say Is Calling? A Plea to Leonard Cohen
Come Out of Your Political Closets: To Israeli Filmmakers
Seinfeld, This Time It’s Not Funny!
Elementary, My Dear Schnabel: Plea to Julian Schnabel
What Do You Mean When You Say ‚Left‘? An Answer to Professor Nissim Calderon
5 Art: Visual Midrash
An Angel Under Siege: To Hassan Hourani
Local Angel: To Walter Benjamin
Holy Language, Holy Place: To Franz Rosenzweig
Forgiveness: To Jacques Derrida
An Angel I Borrowed: To Mahmoud Darwish
Stabat Mater: To My Father
6 Language: Conversations and Comments
The Jew Is Within You, But You, You Are in the Jew, by Slavoj Žižek
What Does a Jew Want? On the Film Local Angel, by Slavoj Žižek
‚I will tremble the underground‘: On the Film Forgiveness
Angel for a New Place: On the Film Local Angel, by Alain Badiou
The Four Dimensions of Art: On the Film Forgiveness, by Alain Badiou
Existence on the Boundary: On the Film Kashmir: Journey to Freedom, by Alain Badiou
There are some muffins there if you want . . . : A Conversation on Queerness,
Oh, Weakness; or, Shylock with a Split S
Jenin in Wonderland
Precariousness, Binationalism, and BDS, by Judith Butler
My Very Short Bibliography: Ontology of Exile
Pledge to Our Language, by Scholem
We Are Lacking a Present, by Mahmoud Darwish
An Opening for an Interview, by Avot Yeshurun
Who Is a Terrorist?, by D.A.M.
A Man Goes, by Haviva Pedaya