In the hopes of promoting justice, peace, and solidarity for and with the Palestinian people, Udi Aloni joins with Slavoj Zizek, Alain Badiou, and Judith Butler to confront the core issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Their bold question: Will a new generation of Israelis and Palestinians dare to walk together toward a joint Israel-Palestine? Through a collage of meditation, interview, diary, and essay, Aloni and his interlocutors present a personal, intellectual, and altogether provocative account rich with the insights of philosophy and critical theory. They ultimately foresee the emergence of a binational Israeli-Palestinian state, incorporating the work of Walter Benjamin, Edward Said, and Jewish theology to recast the conflict in secular theological terms.
İçerik tablosu
Foreword, by Judith Butler
Editor’s Introduction, by Slavoj Zizek
Prologue: The Visit of the Three Magi in the Holy Land
Slavoj Zizek in Ramallah: Back to the Trauma Zone, by Merav Yudilovitch
Alain Badiou in Haifa: Their Entire Particular World
Judith Butler in Sheikh-Jarrah: ‘This place which is called Israel’
1 Theology: ‘Specters of Binationalism’
A Manifesto for the Jewish-Palestinian Arab-Hebrew State
Why We Support Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions
The Star of Redemption with a Split ?
2 Body
Samson the Non-European
Pnay El (Face of God): The Place of Radical Encounter
Jocasta’s Dream: The Birth of Love from the Slaughter of the Innocent
3 Place: Writing from Occupied Territories
The Specters of a Borrowed Village
For Palestine Is Missing from Palestine
The Fish Who Became a Shahid
Jenin and Homeopathy
A Murder Is a Murder Is a Murder: Between Tel Aviv and Bil’in
4 Politics: Plea to Jewish Artists
Trust Your Dreams: To Dorit Rabinian
Thus Spoke the Left: An Attack on the Manifesto of the National Left
The Betrayal of the Peace Camp: To Achinoam Nini
From Now On Say I Am a Palestinian Jew: To David Grossman
And Who Shall I Say Is Calling? A Plea to Leonard Cohen
Come Out of Your Political Closets: To Israeli Filmmakers
Seinfeld, This Time It’s Not Funny!
Elementary, My Dear Schnabel: Plea to Julian Schnabel
What Do You Mean When You Say ‘Left’? An Answer to Professor Nissim Calderon
5 Art: Visual Midrash
An Angel Under Siege: To Hassan Hourani
Local Angel: To Walter Benjamin
Holy Language, Holy Place: To Franz Rosenzweig
Forgiveness: To Jacques Derrida
An Angel I Borrowed: To Mahmoud Darwish
Stabat Mater: To My Father
6 Language: Conversations and Comments
The Jew Is Within You, But You, You Are in the Jew, by Slavoj Žižek
What Does a Jew Want? On the Film Local Angel, by Slavoj Žižek
‘I will tremble the underground’: On the Film Forgiveness
Angel for a New Place: On the Film Local Angel, by Alain Badiou
The Four Dimensions of Art: On the Film Forgiveness, by Alain Badiou
Existence on the Boundary: On the Film Kashmir: Journey to Freedom, by Alain Badiou
There are some muffins there if you want . . . : A Conversation on Queerness,
Oh, Weakness; or, Shylock with a Split S
Jenin in Wonderland
Precariousness, Binationalism, and BDS, by Judith Butler
My Very Short Bibliography: Ontology of Exile
Pledge to Our Language, by Scholem
We Are Lacking a Present, by Mahmoud Darwish
An Opening for an Interview, by Avot Yeshurun
Who Is a Terrorist?, by D.A.M.
A Man Goes, by Haviva Pedaya
Yazar hakkında
Udi Aloni is an Israeli/American writer and filmmaker whose work explores the discourse between art, theory, and action. His art projects have been presented in leading museums and galleries, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, and his films
Kashmir: Journey to Freedom (2009),
Forgiveness (2006), and
Local Angel (2003) have been screened at the Berlin International Film Festival, among other prominent venues. This book was published shortly after the murder of his dear friend, Juliano Mer Khamis, director of The Freedom Theater in Jenin Refugee Camp, where Aloni helped him run the Cinema Department.