Museums of history and contemporary culture face many challenges in the modern age. One is how to react to processes of Europeanization and globalization, which require more cross-border cooperation and different ways of telling stories for visitors. This book investigates how museums exhibit Europe. Based on research in nearly 100 museums across the Continent and interviews with cultural policy makers and museum curators, it studies the growing transnational activities of state institutions, societal organizations, and people in the museum field such as attempts to Europeanize collection policy and collections as well as different strategies for making narratives more transnational like telling stories of European integration as shared history and discussing both inward and outward migration as a common experience and challenge. The book thus provides fascinating insights into a fast-changing museum landscape in Europe with wider implications for cultural policy and museums in other world regions.
Introduction: Exhibiting Europe? Europeanisation as Cultural Practice
Chapter 1. Musealising Europe: Compensation, Negotiation, and the Conquest of the Future
Chapter 2. Governing Europe: State Institutions and European Cultural and Museum Policy
Chapter 3. Networking Europe: Societal Actors in the Europeanisation of the Museum Field
Chapter 4. Collecting Europe: Strategies and Challenges in Transnational Collection Practice
Chapter 5. Narrating Europe: The Story and Stories of European Integration
Chapter 6. Crossing Europe: Migration and Mobility in Museal Spaces
Conclusion: Exhibiting Europe: The Practice of Europeanisation in Museums
Museums and Exhibitions
Über den Autor
Kerstin Poehls is Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the University of Hamburg in Germany. She completed her Ph D in European Ethnology at Humboldt University in Berlin and has been Visiting Scholar at the University of the Aegean in Mytilini/Greece in 2011. Her books include Museum X (2011, edited with F. Bose et al.) and Sammeln on collecting as an everyday, museal and academic practice (2015, edited with Stephan Faust).