Take a holistic look at an intentional educational ecosystem that builds cultural competence, a critical skill college graduates need for careers and citizenship in a diverse global society. This monograph unpacks the multilayered meanings of cultural competence and offers a term, ‘diversity competence, ‘ that is more consistent with the broad spectrum of diversity learning outcomes that occur on campus.
Drawing on the findings of a survey of recent college graduates now working ...
Take a holistic look at an intentional educational ecosystem that builds cultural competence, a critical skill college graduates need for careers and citizenship in a diverse global society. This monograph unpacks the multilayered meanings of cultural competence and offers a term, ‘diversity competence, ‘ that is more consistent with the broad spectrum of diversity learning outcomes that occur on campus.
Drawing on the findings of a survey of recent college graduates now working as professionals, the monograph offers:
* leading-edge, integrative models that bring together the multidimensional components of the learning environment including curricular, co-curricular, and service learning,
* research-based factors contributing to a campus environment that encourages cultural competence,
* in-depth assessment and analysis of best practices, and
* concrete recommendations that offer a transformative pathway to the attainment of diversity competence in the undergraduate experience.
This is the fourth issue of the 42nd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.