Take a holistic look at an intentional educational ecosystem that builds cultural competence, a critical skill college graduates need for careers and citizenship in a diverse global society. This monograph unpacks the multilayered meanings of cultural competence and offers a term, ‘diversity competence, ‘ that is more consistent with the broad spectrum of diversity learning outcomes that occur on campus.
Drawing on the findings of a survey of recent college graduates now working as professionals, the monograph offers:
* leading-edge, integrative models that bring together the multidimensional components of the learning environment including curricular, co-curricular, and service learning,
* research-based factors contributing to a campus environment that encourages cultural competence,
* in-depth assessment and analysis of best practices, and
* concrete recommendations that offer a transformative pathway to the attainment of diversity competence in the undergraduate experience.
This is the fourth issue of the 42nd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.
Executive Summary 7
Foreword 12
Acknowledgments 14
The Politics of Cultural Competence in Higher Education 16
A Demographic Call to Action 21
The Veil of Color-Blindness 25
Inclusive Excellence and the Pathway to Cultural Competence 27
Purpose and Organization of the Monograph 29
Deconstructing Cultural Competence 32
Intercultural Competence 34
Multicultural Competence 37
Rethinking Culture 40
Unbundling Competence 43
An Alternative Term: Diversity Competence 44
Mission-Driven Statements of Diversity/Cultural Competence 46
Concluding Observations 48
An Ecological Framework for Developing Diversity Competence 50
Attributes of Campus Diversity Experiences 53
Application of the Ecological Model to Campus Environments 55
The Clash Between the Macro and Micro/Meso Levels 56
Holistic Environmental Models for Diversity Learning Outcomes 59
Campus Culture and Climate 62
The Campus Physical Environment 65
Diversity Leadership 66
Organizational Learning as a Catalyst for Change 69
Concluding Observations 71
The Educational Benefits of Diversity and the Link to Democracy Outcomes 73
The Relation of Liberal Education to Diversity Competence 78
Common Ground: Democracy Learning Outcomes and Diversity Competence 80
Cross-Cutting Educational Approaches to Democracy Outcomes 83
Concluding Observations 87
Mapping the Educational Terrain for Diversity Competence 89
A Visual Methodology 90
Campus Curricular Inventory for Diversity 91
Features of Curricular Best Practices 96
Service Learning as a Bridge to Diversity Competence 99
Campus Cocurricular Inventory for Diversity 102
Linking Diversity Competence to Accreditation Criteria 104
Concluding Observations 107
The Role of Identity Development and Intergroup Contact in Diversity Competence 110
The Formative College Years and the Social Construction of Identity 112
Racial and Ethnic Identity Formation 114
Sexual and Gender Identity Formation 119
Holistic Perspectives on Identity Development 121
Structured Intergroup Contact 122
Concluding Observations 126
Strategies and Recommendations for Practice 128
Note 140
References 141
Appendix A: Data Sample 160
Name Index 163
Subject Index 169
About the Authors 173
Volume Editors:
Edna Chun and Alvin Evans are award-winning authors and human resources (HR) and diversity leaders, each with over two decades of experience in higher education. Edna Chun is chief learning officer and Alvin Evans serves as higher education practice leader for Higher Ed Talent, a national HR and diversity consulting firm.
Series Editors:
Kelly Ward and Lisa E. Wolf-Wendel