Engages and extends the feminist philosopher Lorraine Code’s groundbreaking work on epistemology and ethics.
Thinking Ecologically, Thinking Responsibly brings together a transdisciplinary cohort of feminist, critical race, Indigenous, and decolonial scholars who build upon and seek to widen and deepen the legacy and potential of feminist philosopher Lorraine Code’s work. Since the publication of her 1987 book Epistemic Responsibility, Code has been at the forefront of linking epistemologies, ontologies, ethics, and epistemic injustice to guide critical frameworks for responsible, situated knowing and practices. This volume both enacts and expands Code’s theories, epistemologies, and practices. It points to how concepts such as epistemic responsibility and approaches like ecological thinking are not only theoretical frameworks for knowing the world well; they are also practices and approaches that more and more feminists and critical thinkers are embodying in their work in order to think, write, and live critically and responsibly.
Tabla de materias
Nancy Arden Mc Hugh and Andrea Doucet
Part I: ‘Knowing Well’: Epistemic Responsibility and Epistemologies of Ignorance
1. Ignorance and Responsibility: ‘Knowledge Didn’t Agree with Slavery, ‘ Learning to Read Frances E. W. Harper, 1872
Catherine Villanueva Gardner
2. Epistemic Ignorance, Epistemic Distortion, and Narrative History ‘Thick’ and ‘Thin’
Kamili Posey
3. Epistemic Deadspaces: Prisons, Politics, and Place
Nancy Arden Mc Hugh
Part II: ‘Epistemologies of Everyday Life’: Narratives, Stories, Testimonies, and Gossip
4. Gossip as Ecological Discourse
Karen Adkins
5. A Murex, an Angel Wing, the Wider Shore: An Ecological and Politico-Ethico-Onto-Epistemological Approach to Narratives, Stories, and Testimonies
Andrea Doucet
6. Allowing for the Unexpected: The Thought of Lorraine Code and Mikhail Bakhtin in Conversation
Catherine Maloney
Part III: Reimagining ‘The Force of Paradigms’: Health, Medical, and Scientific Injustice
7. Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and Ecological Thinking
Carolyn J. Craig
8. Knowledge Practices as Matters of Care: A Diffractive Dialogue between Lorraine Code’s Ecological Thinking and Karen Barad’s Agential Realism
Émilie Dionne
9. An Ecological Application to Service-Users in Psychiatry: The Social Imaginary and Ethical, Political, and Epistemological Relationships
Nancy Nyquist Potter
Part IV: ‘Human and Nonhuman Life (and) the Complexity of Interrelationships’: Environmental Justice, Climate Change, and Ecological Responsibility
10. Rethinking Code’s Approach of Ecological Thinking from an Indigenous Relational Perspective
Ranjan Datta
11. How Does the Monoculture Grow? A Temporal Critique of Code’s Ecological Thinking
Esme G. Murdock
12. Taking Code to Sea
Susan Reid
13. Climate Advocacy as a Form of Epistemic Responsibility: A Case Study
Codi Stevens
Appendix: ‘I Am a Part of All That I Have Met’: A Conversation with Lorraine Code on ‘Knowledge Processes and the Responsibilities of Knowing’
Lorraine Code, with Andrea Doucet and Nancy Arden Mc Hugh
Lorraine Code’s Body of Work: Key Works, 1973–2021
List of Contributors
Sobre el autor
Nancy Arden Mc Hugh is Professor of Philosophy at Wittenberg University and the author of Feminist Philosophies A–Z.